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北麓书院位于北京昌平,校园周边分布着书画山、大杨山森林公园、静之湖等丰富的自然景观,南面紧邻京密引水渠,北靠燕山山脉,是一所集自然生态、人文底蕴和文创功能于一体的庭院式校园。 Based in Beijing’s Changping District, Beilu Academy is cocooned by such natural attractions as Shuhua Mountain, Dayangshan Forest Park, and Jingzhi Lake. With Jingmi Diversion Canal next to its south and Yanshan Mountains to its north, the Academy presents a picturesque courtyard with cultural heritage and creative development. 教学区是一座四合院落,其间花木扶疏,庭院开阔,古朴典雅。北麓书院承前人之志,创新式之学,秉承“仁山智水,世界共同”的办学理念,植根中国文化,培养具有全球化视野的世界公民。 In the quaint and broad quadrangular courtyard, students are greeted with luxuriant and well-spaced flowers and trees. Carrying on the inspiration of the past generations, the Academy commits itself to innovative education and nurturing “Benevolent and Wise Brains for a Shared Future of the World” as well as global citizens with roots deep in the Chinese culture. 创立时间:2021年 办学性质:民办双语高中 学历文凭:高中学籍 师生数量师生比:1:3 就读政策:无学籍、无籍贯要求 住宿条件:两人间/四人间,独立卫浴、独立阳台、冷暖空调、干湿分离 学校优势: 1、学术校园 学术立校、严谨治学,专注高中学段,海内外大学优质资源共享,专业升学团队,升学出口有保障。 2、百人校园 16人精品班型,师生比1:3,学生受关注度高,教育资源占有率高 3、安全校园 全封闭独立校园,24小时保安系统,覆盖式实时监控,A级食堂,部门监管,中科院心理所协助支持。